Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of 1st Grade!!

Oh my, can the time please just stop and make this little girl stop growing!

Today was Tyler's first day of 1st grade and boy she was one happy, and excited little 1st grader! Although, Momma still can't get a hold of herself to not cry when I take her to school. I just miss her during the day and I worry about her and if she will be okay without me. I know, I know... it's time for me to grow up! I can't image what next year will be like when I have to take my baby to Kindergarten and Tyler will be a 2nd grader, but we just can't think of that at all right now!

Anyway, she was adorable and excited to go to school this morning! Here are a few pic's of her before school.


Christie said...

Oh Tyler! We love you and hope you had a great first day! Make sure your mom knows you will love her forever and always, no matter how big you get!

Danna said...

oh- those pictures of Tyler made me cry! I miss her.